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There will be more suggestions for wellbeing links on each of the creative technique pages.

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing 

How Our Art Activities Link 

In 2008 the New Economics Foundation published a report. In the available evidence to date, this report identifies five key actions around the themes of social relationships, physical activity, awareness, learning, and giving. All important influencers of both well-being and ill-being. Throughout our activities we consider how they link in with these 5 areas to develop and support the wellbeing of all participants.


To Connect

What You Can Do

 Practical art activities are great to use when connecting with pupils within the class. The short videos we have produced, provide an ideal starting point for activities that stimulate class discussion and group work. Ask pupils who may finish their task early to help others that they may not get an opportunity to work with.

Use the practical videos as staff training so that all your staff can connect in a practical after school session, an alternative to the usual weekly staff meeting.

To be Active

What You Can Do

Each art activity involves learners and staff actively participating. There are many of the activities where participants could be encouraged to go outside and collect their own natural resources to use. Photography is a great activity for promoting being active, you can find lots of ideas on the photography page.

To Notice

What You Can Do

Encourage learners and staff to notice the different materials. Ask questions like; how does it feel? What do the marks look like? How does it compare to other materials you have used? 

Many of the videos use natural forms, learners are asked to take notice of textures, shapes and forms.

To Learn

What You Can Do

All of our videos are designed to teach new techniques and skills. The videos will be updated regularly, so there will never be a shortage of new things to learn.

To Give 

What You Can Do

When using the practical videos build in time for learners or staff to give each other feedback on their work. Many of the videos will result in the learner or staff making practical outcomes that can be given to others.

“The arts can enable people to take greater responsibility for their own health and wellbeing and enjoy a better quality of life.”(2017, The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing P4). 

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