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Printing Techniques

These videos will guide you and your class through the many different printing techniques you could explore. From the very basic techniques for younger children to more complicated methods such as, creating your own printing block for repeating prints.

Printing with everyday objects

This video explores how children can use a range of classroom items to create prints. This is great for the exploration stage and for younger children.

printing with objects

Introduction to Monoprinting

This video is a beginners guide to monoprinting. Here you will learn how to prepare for printing and the equipment you need. This video also teaches children about exploring monoprinting using a range of class and natural objects.

One Colour Monoprinting

This video shows children how to create a one colour monoprint. Here we see how to create a flower image and how to add shading to your print. 


Two Colour Monoprint

In this next monoprinting video we learn how to create a print using two colours. 

Relief Printing with Leaves

This video shows children how to create a relief print using leaves.

This is a very simple technique for all ages.


Press Printing

In this second video on relief printing we learn the technique of 'Press Printing'. This is an effective technique suitable for all age ranges.

Creating your own printing block

Learn how to create your own printing block with a range of textured materials, sealing your plate or block and taking repeating prints.

This techniques is also called collagraph printing. 

creating a printing block

Lino Printing 1

In this introductory video to Lino Printing we demonstrate the materials, tools and techniques used for safe cutting. 

Lino Printing 2

This second video demonstrates how to plan your design and transfer this onto your Lino block. 


Lino Printing 3

In this video we learn how to cut your design into the Lino printing block and take trial rubbings before printing.

Lino Printing 4

This final video in our Lino printing series teaches children how to use their final design to print a Lino print

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