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Painting techniques

The short videos on this page will give you step by step easy to follow instructions on each various painting techniques.

These videos can be used by teachers or shown to pupils as an educational guide. 

All of these techniques can be easily used in cross curricular projects. 


Getting started with watercolours

This video will show you the types of paper, brushes and watercolours you can use to get you and your class learning about watercolour painting.

Using primary colours 

This introduction video teaches you, using primary colours, how to correctly apply paint to your brush, the best angle to hold and use your brush and the basics of painting. 


Creating tints using watercolours

This video will show you how to create tints using watercolours.

* A tint of a colour is making it lighter. 


Complete colour wheel

This video will teach you how to mix primary colours to create a colour wheel.  This video is aimed at older primary learners as it includes primary, secondary and tertiary colours. 


Simple colour wheel

This video is similar to the video above but aimed at younger learners, including only primary and secondary colours.

Colour Mixing Ready Mix Paints

Using ready-mix paints, predict which secondary colours can be made by mixing the primary colours of red, blue and yellow.

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Creating tints, tones and shades with ready mix paint

Explore how adding white, grey and black can create tints, tones and shades in your paintings.

Mark Making in Ready Mix Paint

Using ready mix paint younger children can explore mark making using various objects including their fingers. This technique is great for the class tough-spot tray and getting children using their hands to colour mix too!

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