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Digital drawing pad

Digital Art & Photography

These videos will demonstrate how you can use a range of digital resources and photography to create art work in school. 

Many of these resources are free to download as apps to work on school iPads and all photography tutorials utilises the iPad camera.

Google Arts & Culture Logo

Google Arts & Culture - free app

This fantastic free app from Google will save hours of your planning time! There is so much to support you and your lesson planning. There are also a range of games for children and fun photography games.

This video will demonstrate how this free website can encourage children to explore abstract art, individually or in groups to create collaborative art work. This works great on an interactive board in class.

Bomomo Design
Photo Booth image

Photo Booth - free app

This free app that comes already installed on Apple iPads is great for exploring digital art linked to photography. There are nine preset lenses to adapt your photos as you take them. 

Adobe Creative Cloud Express

This video will teach you how to use a free app on HWB to create images with your photos and include animation, clipart and text. 

Adobe Creative Cloud logo
Stop motion example

Stop Motion Animation App

This free to download app is a great way to explore creating simple animations. With this video you learn to add photos and sound to create stop motion animations. 

How to use an iPad

This video is aimed at the youngest learners, teaching them the basics of how to use an iPad to begin to take photos. Learn where the home button, volume and camera buttons are located and how to turn on an iPad.

iPad image
toy giraffes

How to take a photo using an iPad

An introduction teaching younger learners how to use the camera and gallery apps on an iPad.

How to take successful photos

This video teaches children about the three areas of focus, lighting and composition when taking a photo. This is aimed at younger learners.

dog photo

Effective composition

Here we learn about three techniques that help our older children develop their photography skills. These are the 'looking in', 'leading lines' and 'rule of thirds' techniques.

Editing photos

This video teaches children how to use the editing and 'mark-up' tools on an iPad to edit their photos for dramatic effect.

dramatic flower photo
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